Aatul Palandurkar

Posts Tagged ‘Atul Palandurkar


  • Write a Java program to to generate random numbers and print the same
  • Write a program to generate random numbers
  • Write a program to generate random numbers in Java

Java Program:

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;

class GenerateRandomNumber
public static void main(String[] args)
int maxRange;

//create objects
Scanner SC = new Scanner(System.in);
Random rand = new Random();

System.out.print("Please enter maximum range: ");

for(int i=1; i<=10; i++)


Please enter maximum range: 500


  • Write a Java program to find duplicate characters in the string and print the duplicate characters
  • Write a program to find duplicate characters in String

Java Program:

public class DuplicateCharacters {
    public static void main(String args[]) {

        String str = "NITIN";
        int count = 0;

        char input[] = str.toCharArray();
        System.out.println("Duplicate Characters are:");

        for (int i = 0; i &amp;lt; str.length(); i++) {
            for (int j = i + 1; j &amp;lt; str.length(); j++) {
                if (input[i] == input [j]) {


Duplicate Characters are: N I

via https://youtu.be/5odiL6n_d1Y

No More Excuses

  • Are you struggling in life or business?
  • Are you feeling lazy?
  • Are you a procrastinator?
  • Are you failing in your path?
  • Are you keeping behind people?
  • Are you thinking to give up on your dreams?


In any occupation, there are elements that are not as “fun” as other elements of that occupation. As a result, many people will often procrastinate and slow themselves down in an effort to “avoid” those boring or tedious elements that they don’t like doing as much as the fun aspects of their job or occupation.


Procrastination is just one excuse people make when they want to avoid a more unpleasant part of their occupation or a project or task they are not particularly fond of doing. However, procrastination isn’t the only challenge people face when people try to get high-quality work completed in a set period of time.


Join the “No More Excuses” Training to get rid of it and achieve what you want.


Key Takeaways:

  1. Procrastination
  2. Stop doubting your abilities
  3. How to take breaks?
  4. It starts with you
  5. Getting things done
  6. How to deal with distractions?
  7. Time management
  8. Rewards & much more


Digital Deliverables accessible for life:

  • Training Material
  • Completion Certificate


Duration: 1 Day
Energy Exchange: Rs. 4999/- only
Offer: Rs. 2499/- (Use Discount Code: NOMOREEXCUSES)

Register Here: https://www.instamojo.com/aatulpalandurkar/no-more-excuses-workshop/

Register Here for WhatsApp Course, starting 15th July 2019 : https://www.instamojo.com/aatulpalandurkar/no-more-excuses-whatsapp-program-a746d/

Please Note:
Your success is my success. Nothing could make me prouder or happier than You who have taken the courage and pain to finish this course and put it to an application in real life.


Aatul Palandurkar

Life Coach, International Trainer and Author


http://aatul.me (Tech Blog)




No more excuses

Are you struggling in life or business?

Are you feeling lazy?

Are you a procrastinator?

Are you failing in your path?

Are you keeping behind people?

Are you thinking to give up on your dreams?

In the journey of life, there are elements that are not as “fun” as other elements. As a result, many people will often procrastinate and slow themselves down in an effort to “avoid” those boring or tedious elements that they don’t like doing as much as the fun aspects of their job or occupation.

Procrastination is just one excuse people make when they want to avoid a more unpleasant part of their occupation or a project or task they are not particularly fond of doing. However, procrastination isn’t the only challenge people face when people try to get high-quality work completed in a set period of time.

No more excuses

Join the “No More Excuses” WhatsApp Course to learn about it. How to get rid of it? How to achieve what you want?

Key Takeaways:
1. Procrastination
2. Stop doubting your abilities
3. How to take breaks?
4. It starts with you
5. Getting things done
6. How to deal with distractions?
7. Time management
8. Rewards

Digital Deliverables accessible for life:
* PDF Notes
* Audio Files

Duration: 10 Days
Fees: Rs. 499/- only
Start Date: 15th July 2019

Please Note:
Your success is my success. Nothing could make me prouder or happier than You who have taken the courage and pain to finish this course and put it to an application in real life.

Offer for blog readers: Pay Rs. 99/- only

Pay Here: https://www.instamojo.com/aatulpalandurkar/no-more-excuses-whatsapp-program/?discount=nomoreexcuses

In this video we will discuss about Winner Attitude : Success Mantra 001. This video is part of my Success Mantra video series.

#winnerattitudealways #winnerattitude✌🏼 #winnerattitudemakesthediff #winnerattitude #winnerattitudedude #winnerattitudeofthemoment #winnerattitudeeveryday

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